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Acne Vulgaris |
Acne vulgaris is an inflammation of the follicle pilocebaceous (one of the glands in the skin), accompanied by blockage and accumulation of keratin, characterized by the presence of blackheads, pustules, nodules, and cysts.
Acne vulgaris was affects most of the skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles. These areas include the face, upper chest, and back. Severe acne is inflammatory, but acne can also manifest in the form of inflammation. Lesions caused by changes in pilosebaceous units, skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and associated sebaceous glands, changes that require androgen stimulation. In acne can arise blackheads (blockages in the horn material pilosebaseus units), papules (closed comedones rupture); pustules (solid formations which have perlunakan at its peak, by secreting pus), nodules (closed-protrusion of blackheads on the skin larger than papules), and scarring.
Acne generally (90%) occur in men and women stepping puberty, the age of 15-19 years. Acne most often occurs during adolescence, and frequently continues into adulthood. In adolescence, acne is usually caused by an increase in testosterone, which the people of both sexes increase during puberty. Acne vulgaris cause damage to the facial tissue or other body parts. And this raises a new problem, phsycologycal problem, such as reduced self-esteem and depression in very extreme cases, or suicide. Acne usually appears during adolescence, when people already tend to be most socially insecure. Early and aggressive treatment because it is advocated by some to reduce the overall long term impact for the individuality.
Acne vulgaris was affects most of the skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles. These areas include the face, upper chest, and back. Severe acne is inflammatory, but acne can also manifest in the form of inflammation. Lesions caused by changes in pilosebaceous units, skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and associated sebaceous glands, changes that require androgen stimulation. In acne can arise blackheads (blockages in the horn material pilosebaseus units), papules (closed comedones rupture); pustules (solid formations which have perlunakan at its peak, by secreting pus), nodules (closed-protrusion of blackheads on the skin larger than papules), and scarring.
Acne generally (90%) occur in men and women stepping puberty, the age of 15-19 years. Acne most often occurs during adolescence, and frequently continues into adulthood. In adolescence, acne is usually caused by an increase in testosterone, which the people of both sexes increase during puberty. Acne vulgaris cause damage to the facial tissue or other body parts. And this raises a new problem, phsycologycal problem, such as reduced self-esteem and depression in very extreme cases, or suicide. Acne usually appears during adolescence, when people already tend to be most socially insecure. Early and aggressive treatment because it is advocated by some to reduce the overall long term impact for the individuality.
The cause consists of many things. The cause of acne is very much (multifactorial), among others: the genetic, endocrine (androgen, pituitary sebotropic factor, etc.), dietary factors, the activity of the sebaceous glands themselves, psychological factors, season, infectious bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes), cosmetics, and chemicals other.
For most people, acne is reduced from time to time and tend to disappear. Reduction of acne usually after someone in his twenties. But in fact can not be confirmed until what age acne will be reduced. Because this depends on many factors.
There are several types of acne vulgaris, namely:
1. Mild or moderate acne vulgaris
This type of acne vulgaris is the most common type of acne occurs. Usually this form of acne vulgaris:
- Whiteheads: Whiteheads occur when the pores clogged by dirt, oil da dead skin cells, thus causing little white bumps on the surface of the face.
- Blackheads: Blackheads occur when the pore is only partially blocked, which memunginkan some sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells to slowly come to the surface of the skin.
- Papules: Papules are red bumps round. Never squeeze papules, as this may damage the scar tissue in the skin.
- Pustules: Pustules are pimples that are inflamed and appears as a red circle with its center of white or yellow. Use isotretion and antibiotics to eliminate this type of acne.
2. Severe Acne Vulgaris
Severe acne vulgaris is usually characterized by:
Severe acne vulgaris is usually characterized by:
- Nodules: acne consists of acne spots are large and hard, very painful, and can berlangsug for months.
- Cysts: An acne cyst can appear similar to nodules. Squeeze acne cysts can cause infection and inflammation are more painful. To get rid of acne it will extremely difficult, but we can reduce bengkakya with lesions that contain cortisone injections.
3. Acne Rosacea
Acne Rosaea sometimes very similar to acne vulgaris. Acne mostly occurs on a person over the age of 30 years. This acne usually appears as a red rash that occurs in the nose, forehead, cheeks, and chin. Redness is often accompanied by bumps, pimples and skin blemishes. Blood vessels can also be seen more clearly on the skin. This generally occurs in women, but more severe if experienced by men. If left untreated, can cause swelling of the nose and the excess tissue growth. The condition was called Rhinophyma. It's important for you to memerikasakannya to a dermatologist if you suspect as rosacea.
Acne Rosaea sometimes very similar to acne vulgaris. Acne mostly occurs on a person over the age of 30 years. This acne usually appears as a red rash that occurs in the nose, forehead, cheeks, and chin. Redness is often accompanied by bumps, pimples and skin blemishes. Blood vessels can also be seen more clearly on the skin. This generally occurs in women, but more severe if experienced by men. If left untreated, can cause swelling of the nose and the excess tissue growth. The condition was called Rhinophyma. It's important for you to memerikasakannya to a dermatologist if you suspect as rosacea.
4. Heavy or severe acne
Form of a severe type of acne are:
- Conglobata Acne: Acne is the most severe form of acne vulgaris and is more common in males. Acne lesions are characterized by large and numerous, sometimes interconnected along with widespread blackheads. This usually occurs on the chest, face, back, buttocks, upper arms, and thighs. Acne is usually experienced by a person aged between 18 to 30 years, and acne can be active for many years.
- Acne fulminans: Acne is a sudden onset of destructive inflammation. Acne can cause fever and sore joints, especially hips and knees.
These are acne vulgaris treatment what you can do:
1. Always keep the face clean, diligently wash face with soap that matches your skin PH. Wash your face do at least 2 times.
2. Diligent exercise or physical akitivitas generate quite a lot of sweat, this proves once when I worked as an executive in a shipping company where I work so much activity produces sweat which turned out to be a boost to reduce the severity of my acne.
3. Diligent in drinking water. It does look simple, but this therapy really works not only for acne problems and even to diseases other major diseases though. With a good system of "water" in your body, then your blood or other organs of your body will be more "clean" and healthy so it will support your healing process of acne or other diseases.
4. Avoid excessive stress can be a trigger for the increasing number of your acne.
5. Avoid excessive use of cosmetics or using cosmetics that do not fit with your skin.
To prevent your acne does not become more severe, the following is the solution:
1. Do not squeeze your pimples, especially if your hands are not clean because it will only further aggravate your acne may even lead to other injuries or infections.
2. If injuries occur, you can apply Betadine to prevent infection are ongoing.
3. Try to use herbs in starfruit mash until smooth like porridge and mix water salt to taste, body scrub also serves as an astringent that will help minimize the pores are open too wide.
4. Avoid fatty foods and introduce more vitamin C intake and foods that contain zinc.
5. You can also make natural healing for yourself with Reiki therapy is also beneficial to help the more youthful and smooth the skin.
6. Reduce eating nuts, chocolate, oil, butter, etc. (although some studies have found no correlation between diet and the incidence of acne). For the form of ointment or antibiotic treatment should call the doctor.
That's trully, Acne vulgaris is making very annoying, but you should try to remain patient and level-headed response to this disease. feeling depressed and stressed, instead will make it increasingly severe acne vulgaris. and never squeeze your acne vulgaris, is even more damaging your skin tissue. and importantly also you do, if it gets worse, you should immediately contact your dermatologist for treatment of acne vulgaris do this.
2. Diligent exercise or physical akitivitas generate quite a lot of sweat, this proves once when I worked as an executive in a shipping company where I work so much activity produces sweat which turned out to be a boost to reduce the severity of my acne.
3. Diligent in drinking water. It does look simple, but this therapy really works not only for acne problems and even to diseases other major diseases though. With a good system of "water" in your body, then your blood or other organs of your body will be more "clean" and healthy so it will support your healing process of acne or other diseases.
4. Avoid excessive stress can be a trigger for the increasing number of your acne.
5. Avoid excessive use of cosmetics or using cosmetics that do not fit with your skin.
To prevent your acne does not become more severe, the following is the solution:
1. Do not squeeze your pimples, especially if your hands are not clean because it will only further aggravate your acne may even lead to other injuries or infections.
2. If injuries occur, you can apply Betadine to prevent infection are ongoing.
3. Try to use herbs in starfruit mash until smooth like porridge and mix water salt to taste, body scrub also serves as an astringent that will help minimize the pores are open too wide.
4. Avoid fatty foods and introduce more vitamin C intake and foods that contain zinc.
5. You can also make natural healing for yourself with Reiki therapy is also beneficial to help the more youthful and smooth the skin.
6. Reduce eating nuts, chocolate, oil, butter, etc. (although some studies have found no correlation between diet and the incidence of acne). For the form of ointment or antibiotic treatment should call the doctor.
That's trully, Acne vulgaris is making very annoying, but you should try to remain patient and level-headed response to this disease. feeling depressed and stressed, instead will make it increasingly severe acne vulgaris. and never squeeze your acne vulgaris, is even more damaging your skin tissue. and importantly also you do, if it gets worse, you should immediately contact your dermatologist for treatment of acne vulgaris do this.